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Why are OPG X-rays so Essential for Oral Health?

OPG X-ray

Look in the mirror at your teeth. With the small dental mirror, you can see what’s going on behind your teeth just as well as your front teeth. Are you able to see what’s going on inside your teeth or under your gum line? But do you know how we take the exact decision of which procedure to go with? Here comes the OPG and the best Orthodontist in Dubai at Ferdows Medical Center is here to help you.

What is an OPG?

A lower-face, teeth, and jaw x-ray are called an Orthopantomogram (OPG) or Lat Ceph (Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph).

X-rays taken with an OPG show all the teeth in the lower face, and upper and lower jaws. Including unsurfaced and unerupted teeth, it shows the number, position, and growth of all teeth. Dentists usually take close-up x-rays of individual teeth. In addition, an OPG may reveal problems with the jawbone and the joint connecting the jawbone to the head called the Temporomandibular joint. Also, the OPG can detect bone and gum disease.

Benefits of OPG

In particular, OPGs can be convenient and fast for patients with limited jaw movement. After the OPG scan has been completed, no radiation is left in the body, making it the lowest radiation dose of any x-ray.
Undiagnosed oral health conditions may progress if you do not get an OPG – resulting in more serious consequences. Early detection and timely treatment with an OPG increase your chances of recovering quickly. A lot of dental treatments like dental implants, teeth fillings, teeth extraction, and teeth cleaning might require an OPG x-ray before the beginning of the treatment.

Latest OPG Technology at Ferdows Medical Center, Best Dental Clinic in Dubai

The latest technology OPG x-ray machines are available on-site at Ferdows Medical Center one of the best dental clinic in Dubai. With the OPG machine, our dentists are able to assess your oral health accurately during your check-up by instantly scanning your teeth, gums, and jaw.

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